38.5 C
Thursday, May 2, 2024

Global warming is causing the South Pole to collapse. Resulting in increased flower bloom.

What shall we do? When Antarctica which is known as ‘The world’s air conditioning system’ is failing the coldest areas on Earth. due to global warming

According to the results of a study by scientists from the University of Insubria. in Italy have said they are concerned about the world’s large ice sheets that are rapidly melting. due to global warming

By studying the number of two native Antarctic plants, Deschampsia Antarctica and Antarctic Pearlwort, on Signey Island between 2009 and 2019, it was found that their numbers had increased and were expanding. quickly Compared to the previous 50 years (1960-2009)

Not only that, in the past year 2020, a heat wave was also detected in Antarctica. As a result, temperatures rose about 2 degrees Celsius and resulted in the decline of 65% of animals in Antarctica, such as fur seals and emperor penguins.

Antarctica or the South Pole is known to have the lowest temperature on Earth -93.2 degrees Celsius. ‘Global Air System’ by regulating the appropriate temperature for the earth through the circulation of warm currents. and cold currents

Based on the survey results, researchers predict that heat waves will increase by 5 – 6 degrees Celsius by the end of the century. and the impact spreads all over the world.

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