31.5 C
Monday, May 6, 2024

Please keep drivers alive with contact-free delivery, Foodpanda and Grab ask

While businesses small and large suffer the consequences of a world without people moving – and spending – freely, the people delivering stuff to us have never been busier.

To keep those deliveryfolks healthy as they whisk from home to home and office, two of Bangkok’s biggest food delivery services today have asked for people to do so without any physical contact.

That means avoiding the COD option and paying online when you place your order and allowing the carriers to leave meals outside your door, or even in the lobby of your building.

Foodpanda, which says its business is up 20-fold over this time last year, told Coconuts Bangkok earlier this week that it has been disinfecting bikes and sterilizing rider bags regularly, along with urging staff to wash their hands often and head to the doctor if not feeling well.

“As the first food ordering and delivery...

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