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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Krungsri ATM stole my money?

So I was withdrawing 13,000 baht from a foreign bank card via a Krungsri ATM by a 7-Eleven. The process went fine at first but just before dispensing the cash it froze for a good couple minutes and then just gave me a receipt as if the money was dispensed yet it wasn’t. I checked my bank app and yeah, the money is gone.

I called Krungsri bank customer support at the spot, explained the situation and all they could tell me was to contact my foreign bank for help. I wonder how can my bank possibly help here since from their point of view the withdrawal went successfully. I asked Krungsri to send a worker to open the machine and retrieve my money but they refused.

However, I contacted my bank and gave them all the deets, and guess what? They told me it’s the bank owner of the ATM that is responsible for refund.

So I’m now being footballed around between this Krungsri and my foreign bank. What can I do in this situation?

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