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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

is it just me or does nobody seem to care about noise?

Since moving here about a year ago I’ve actually really been struggling to find anywhere quiet. First I made the foolish decision to live in nimman….basically like living in an airport. Constant planes, constant drunk people at night, motorbikes and traffic. Okay… Understandable. So I move… I see a quiet condo near Suthep. Everything good in the daytime… Then evening comes… Constant barking dogs…. I don’t understand… So many students live around here… Don’t they care about these dogs barking?! One even has an owner and she just let’s it in the yard to yap away all night… 1am..2am…yapping dog… Nobody thinks to go around and tell the owner to control their dog? No agency to call to help? It’s unbelievable how irresponsible dog owners are around here. But the amazing thing is… Nobody seems to care. All of my condos I’ve lived in (for nearly one year in Thailand now) people slam the doors, people scrape their chairs (don’t get me started on the constant chair scraping in almost every restaurant and almost always in the condo above you)… Its like a British guy.. This sound is just something horrible like scraping your nails on a blackboard… But again.. Everyone seems oblivious. Students come back at all hours of the night on their motorbikes having screaming matches (normal conversation) and the constant stream of grab bikes etc etc… One may start to ask… Where in chiang mai can I live where there is no noise? Where one can sleep peacefully? I am single and not in a position to rent a house in the middle of nowhere, so what does one do. Even now whilst writing this, the little yappy ‘shit’su next door is yapping away. Has anyone found a secret ultra quiet condo with hardly anyone in it at the end of a quiet dead-end street with no construction, no planes, no motorbikes passing through, no chair scrapers, no door slammers, no whiney girls, no drunk guys, no children etc…. Where is this paradise? Anyone? I’ll pay you. Dm me. 😂😂

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