31.5 C
Sunday, April 28, 2024

Golden ticket scam?

Hey guys, so we are currently in patong, got stopped by a guy on a motor bike trying to promote a resort nearby.

He gave us a piece of paper to open and I won a free thirty I could collect at anytime.

He gave partner one to open also and she got a golden ticket, he acted all shocked that she got the golden ticket and you could win a 7 day free holiday, $1000 US dollar etc

The thing is, he wanted us to leave now and get a free taxi to attend a 90 min seminar.

He said he gets commission and no purchase was required when attending.

I’m not sure if this is a scam or trying to promote the resort for people to purchase for their next holiday.

He said you have to be over 33, living with your partner for over 2 years and some other conditions which we all qualified for..

We gave him our number in are this might be legit.

He also said up to 70% off this holiday resort when pushasing your next holiday.

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