35.1 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024

CineArt at the Emporium can get bent

I wanted to watch a movie. Step up to the counter and ask for a ticket. She takes me to one of the machines on the wall that I can’t use (I don’t have any cards that work there). I get the price and hand her the cash. *She can’t take cash for a ticket*. How am I supposed to buy the ticket, then? I’ve got the money! No, I have to *buy a fucking card and deposit the cash on that*. What? Just \*\*take the fkn money\*\*!! Nope. So I buy the card, deposit the cash, and then run the card thru the machine.

I want popcorn and a drink. *Same fucking deal*. What the fuck? Why don’t they just take the damned cash? So I have to deposit more money on the card so the counter person can run the card and pay for the food.

This is just *fucking stupid*. They’re still taking the money, just adding the extra step of using the card. That is \*\*wildly\*\* inconvenient. They can get bent!

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