28.5 C
Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Can Thailand achieve the same level of separation of religion and the state as some western countries like France, UK, Sweden or Maybe the US. Or Thailand will never be achieve that.

Now Move Forward Party is the most potential political party which can done this but up to this day the party never talk about the issue of mandatory Buddhism class in Thailand public school, rarely talk about the corruption of Thailand National Office of Buddhism or the practicing of parts of sharia law like polygamy or sharia law about family issue in 3 deep south province that are Muslim predominant.

Other than that some of MFP candidate like Arifin Soh, MFP Pattani candidate also saying that he are not afraid to mixing Islam (Malay version and not Westernized cherry picked version of Islam that practiced in the west) with his campaign because their religion and culture are inseparable and should be respected. If it’s in the west, this act of mixing Christianity with their campaign by the left leaning parties candidate like saying that “vote me for preserving our way of Christianity and the way of worshiping Lord Jesus and God” will getting call outed by the left leaning population in no time.

So I’m just really afraid that even in the best scenario we will just turn into pseudo secularism like in India that religion are still not separation from the state but are just respected equally by the state and many religion law or religion advantage are still exist regardless of how compatible that law with human right is.

As a Thai, I really want Thailand to have that level of separation of church and state but if it’s turn out to be just a day dreaming hope, I will have to accept this or moving out to the west.

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