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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Dating apps won’t help you find love and here’s why

For most of human history, relationships were relatively simple for a banal yet immovable reason: it was extremely hard to meet anyone acceptable – and everyone knew it. Dating apps won’t help you if there are only a few people in the village if travel is expensive and when social occasions are few and far between.

History had many drawbacks. It encouraged people to accept offers from suitors they were unconvinced by. It meant that characters who would have delighted each other died lonely and unfulfilled because there were few mountains or a river between them.

Being understood

Technologists have used their genius to correct these historical obstacles and provide us with unending choices. Meeting someone new is now a constant possibility. But this breakthrough at the level of introduction has obscured an ongoing challenge at the level of ultimate purpose. They may have made…

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