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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Women Organisation for Foreigners in BKK


I am wondering if anyone here knows or can recommend a women organisation in BKK that caters foreign woman. I am a foreigner working here in Bangkok. I had a Thai partner who has been threatening me and won’t break up with me. I already moved house so he will stop following me but he started texting my family asking for my whereabouts. I asked my family to block him. I am just scared what he can do to me as I live alone. He can be aggressive and threatened me multiple times that he will kill me. I was thinking of reaching out to the police. But I am worried I will not be entertained since I cannot speak Thai. I also do not have any Thai friends to help me out. I have been here in Bangkok only for 6 mons. So I am wondering if there are any organisation who can help or guide me with my situation.

Thank you for anyone will answer.

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