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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

WIBTA for asking so many questions about phuket?

I (26F) will be traveling to Phuket with my partner (28M), my cousin (27F), and her husband (28M). We’re great friends and i’m sure we’ll have a blast although it’ll be a short 5-day trip. We will be staying in Patong (i know everyone in this sub advises against it but 1. The booking was made before I knew this sub existed and 2. I get a staff discount at one of the 4-star hotels there).

We have different roles on this trip and I’m in charge of the itinerary. I love planning activities and making sure everyone has a good time. I’ve done so much research and am so overloaded with information right now so thought i’d ask some of you here, but i don’t know if it’s too much to ask.

1. We will be in Phuket from 30 August until 3 September. Is it rainy season? I know weather is temperamental in the area but I just want a clear-cut answer or some assurance.

2. What’s the cannabis scene like? I’ve found a lot of information on popular dispensaries, but was wondering if like cannabis cafes are a thing in phuket? We’re looking to try like an actual food experience with cannabis, not just typical edibles like brownies and gummies. Saw a video of a thc boba store once in thailand, and I know places like bangkok have a vibrant cannabis dining/bar scene. Is it the same in phuket? Leave recommendations if you know any please! Or some unique dispensaries that will make buying cannabis an *experience* and not just a shop and go situation

3. Recommendations of hip hop bars along bangla road? That’s more our style, we do not do well with edm or house music so are there places we can party that play specifically hip hop music?

4. Should we watch a pingpong/sex show? We’re… from a conservative country (but we’re not conservative, just religious upbringing so not very exposed) and I for one have always been curious but also torn about contributing to the sex tourism industry (?) idk but also how worth it are these experiences? Are they pricey? Will we be emotionally scarred or entertained?

5. Are there other spas that are similar to Ton Mai Spa, where it’s cheap, offers a bunch of stuff like massage, a pool, and sauna, and on top of it all, is very pretty? Looking to spend a full spa day. Am pretty sold with Ton Mai Spa, but wanna know if there are other lesser-known options because maybe im just bad at googling cos all im getting are hotel spa suggestions but thats not what im looking for. Maybe, does anyone know where this is from [this video](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSLHJfUTY/)?

6. I want to know where we can grab lunch and have an amazing view or eat out-of-this-world delicious food or take nice photos cos of aesthetics. We don’t have much time and really just want to visit places that are a cannot-miss. We’re ok with touristy things because.. we’re tourists.

7. Is it worth dedicating a day for old town? It looks pretty but are there other places more worth visiting? We’re not so huge on temples and all, and don’t wanna see animal sanctuaries (we’ll get too sad) so phuket old town seems like a good option. But is it really?

Anyway these are the questions at the top of my head and idk if it’s too much to ask. So WIBTA if i ask too much about phuket?

Thanks in advance for any insight, it’ll help so so much.

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