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Saturday, May 11, 2024

What’s the online tech industry like in Thailand?

I’m interested in what the online tech scene is like in Thailand, specifically online software developers and related professions. I’m much more aware of Filipino, Vietnamese, Indian and even Indonesian online tech industries as a result of interactions via out-sourcing, but that doesn’t really seem to be a thing in Thailand. I understand the reasons are complicated (higher salaries compared to others, smaller talent pool, etc) but I much prefer Thailand to all those places mentioned.

I’m curious what the job market is like for a young tech workers (me not being one of them). Are the gigs going around good (as in you want to work there) or does the talent move internationally? What’s the pay and conditions like? What industries are generally the major employers (in Australia its banking/finance, mining, then probably agencies)? Would those people be interested in working for western tech companies (who are not household names like Google) that have a more to the point communication style (e.g. blind to ‘face’)?

Thanks for reading! 🫰

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