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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Want to give it a go

Hello Expats! American here, and am looking to give Thailand a 90 day try. In April I was let go from work, a pretty BS job no less that asked me relocate only 2 mos before. I wound up selling my home and from the job severance and house sale I’ve been travelling for the last 4 mos. I’m back in the States but I have no work, no wife, kids that are tying me down. I have passive income and savings and investments so I wouldn’t be dependent on a job though something part-time or incremental would go a long way to keeping my sanity and some beer money. I like Chiang Mai for a few reasons:

Enjoyed my previous visits.

Familiar with Asian culture as frequent traveler and Mandarin Speaker

Avid Badminton player and love outdoors (hiking, beach, biking)

Want to expand knowledge and practice in Tai Chi/Qi Gong

I really don’t wish to get too sucked into expat bubbles or the sex culture having lived in Asia for 5 years. I am single but not really looking for a Wife/GF — is it expected that expat men find Girlfriends/Wives? I know in China if a Westerner stayed long-term they got stuck into the work culture they ended up needing wives to survive culturally and socially. From my experience, I find that there are a lot of bad marriages and relationships from expectations and cultural differences.

Any input or suggestions on anything is much appreciated!

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