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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Thailand’s proposed marijuana law could be buzzkill for entrepreneurs

Question: What is the problem if a whole cottage industry mushrooms on the basis of a new law permitting something that wasn’t permitted before? Answer: The next government is perfectly entitled to reverse the law, and might well do so.  This is the problem facing Thailand’s more than 10,000 weed shops and dispensaries, probably a third of them in the capital, Bangkok, with big concentrations in heavily touristed cities like Pattaya, Phuket and Chiang Mai. It’s the result of a feeding

ing frenzy that took hold after Thailand became the first country in Southeast Asia to decriminalise marijuana in 2021, and then delisted it as a narcotic in June 2022, making possession, sale and consumption conditionally legal.

Coincidentally, the liberalisation occurred at a time when government Covid-19 countermeasures had caused the permanent closure of many restaurants,…

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