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Monday, April 29, 2024

Student in Thailand

Countless times I have been told publicly and privately that because I was a student here, my education is less so, and therefore ‘We (the person commenting) are better.

So let’s clear it up. Last post and commenting from me before I switch accounts:

Theres nothing wrong with being a student in Thailand, not all of us wants £40k worth of debt.

As a student here there are some amazing professors who taught and mentored me in teaching.

I have met some likeminded individuals who also want to excel in teaching.

I have gained valuable teaching experience in schools.

Without these I wouldn’t be at the school or the place earning close to 100,000k baht a month.

So for those looking to study here. Do it. Take the chance. Ignore anyone that looks down on you because they think a Thai degree = bad. It certainly isn’ t as bad as you may think.

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