34.7 C
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Running in Phuket- street dogs/wild dogs

I’m not sure if this is allowed but I’m hoping it is, I’m a runner and often do my long runs on Saturday mornings, I love running the streets and often am covering 15+km per run. I have had a few instances with street dogs, chasing and trying to nip and yesterday when running early early morning, was chased by a few dogs from the woods. I know to try to stay on busier streets but any recommendations on what to do to avoid getting bit ? I cross the road if I see them or sometimes will walk past because I think the dogs see running as a form of aggression but sometimes I don’t see them or they see me first. This is their home but I also don’t want to do these long runs on a treadmill if possible, I’m wondering if anyone has had similar issues and has any advice on what I can do to avoid this.

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