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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Pattaya City Leaders Say They Will Seriously Tackle PM2.5 Dust Issue

Pattaya —

Pattaya Deputy Mayor Manote Nongyai convened a meeting yesterday at City Hall to address concerns surrounding the PM2.5 dust levels.

Joining him were the head of the Pattaya Environmental Office, Mr. Sanya Tubtimsri and other relevant officials.

According to Manote, the average PM 2.5 levels reported in Pattaya still fall within the orange or yellow category, which indicate moderate air quality. He clarified that the actual PM2.5 dust concentration is measured at 40 micrograms per cubic meter, which contradicts early reports spread by certain media outlets that the concentration is as high as 160 micrograms, which suggested a severe negative health effect.

Manote explained that the initial reports rely on the comprehensive Air Quality Index, which incorporates six air pollutants: PM 2.5, PM 10, ozone (O3), carbon monoxide (CO), nitrogen dioxide (NO2), and sulfur dioxide (SO2). Therefore, the index’s results don’t represent only the PM 2.5 dust.

The deputy mayor identified local sources such as construction activities, vehicle emissions, and road dust as major contributors to the rising PM2.5 pollution. He also announced a proactive plan to tackle the issue, which includes: regular cleaning and wetting of roads, particularly during construction phases,to minimize dust, and prohibition of burning practices, both of forests and outdoor materials.

Manote emphasized that the city is actively monitoring the situation and will take serious action against offenders who contribute to the PM2.5 levels.

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