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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Negotiating Condo Rent

Condo searching — looking for tips for negotiating the price to match my budget


* Are condo price listings inflated and are price negotiations expected?
* If yes, is there a typical percentage people request off?
* Should I ask for the discount before or after seeing the room?
* Are there any legal repercussions for getting out of an existing lease early?


I’m 1.5 Years into a 2 Year lease for a condo that costs 40,000 THB / mo.

Time are tough and I want to move to a more affordable room in the same condo pronto. My budget is 20-25k.

There are rooms available, in the 40k, 30k, and 25k range. I’d like to ask for a discount even on the rooms within my budget, to see what’s possible. But I don’t want to burn any bridges.

I’ve also considered explaining my situation to my landlord and asking if I can pay less for the remaining length of my contract. That way she at least has a tenant. As far as I can see I’ll lose my 80,000 deposit if I run off early.

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