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Monday, May 6, 2024

My Learning Game just Added Thai! LangLandia

I am excited to announce adding Thai to my language learning game LangLandia! I am the programmer who has created it, and the team is just me, so it’s not a juggernaut type app. But I have worked extremely hard on it for the last 5 years and I do believe it’s the most fun language learning app that exists.

It was originally only for Spanish, but I have been spending the last few months adding new languages. Now Thai is at a good point to start bringing people to the app.




It’s for iOS and android

**iOS**: Rating: 4.7 · ‎226 reviews
**Android**: Rating: 4.6 · ‎1,004 votes

**You get it for free**
I am offering it for free for the next month for people here. To claim it for free, you have to create an account within the next 2 days and go to messages at the bottom left and click the free Fluency Pass message.

Any feedback and suggestions will be greatly appreciated. I want to continue improving it. And if you notice any mistakes in the Thai, let me know. There are over 6000 Thai vocabulary items, so there are probably still some I haven’t found.

You can do pvp battles, tournaments, clan wars, offline mode, and all sorts of competitions. If you enjoy online games and competition for learning, that’s the basis of this game. It’s designed for beginners to advanced learners, so everybody should get use out of it.

Thanks you for your time and thanks for checking out what has been my passion project for the last 5 years of my life!

**You can download it from here:**

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