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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Margie-Pok was shocked after her son Mika bleed in his ears (clip).

Make Pok Phatsakorn and Marky Zodiac Chirathivat Even shocked by Pok was told in Pocky on the run SS4 That while he and Margie went out to eat The nanny then called and informed that there was blood flowing from the ear.

Normally, when Mika goes to play in the water, the nanny will wash her nose because she is allergic. When I finished washing, I saw that some blood came from the ear. So we turned the car home to take it to the hospital. Enter the emergency room Was able to look at it, suggesting that an appointment with a specialist doctor is urgent But doctors initially assumed two things: one was bleeding from a skin wound on the outer ear. Or two blood can come from the inside if the pressure from the nasal irrigation Which if it is the second thing that is frightening, it means that the eardrum has a problem for sure Be able to penetrate

And after going to a specialist doctor Received an answer that it may have been a wound before that And when I went to swim and take a bath, the wound was hit with the water and the scabs came off, and blood came out.

In which Pok and Margie admitted that they were shocked And sharing experiences with other homes So you don’t panic and know what is possible to be careful, but if this happens, I recommend going to a doctor first.

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