30.1 C
Tuesday, May 7, 2024

LTR visa requirement for IT worker: needs to be actively employed?


I’m looking at the LTR 10 year visa for remote workers. Let’s say you have had a proper job (in IT) for the last 3 years – and you tick all the boxes of requirements (company revenue, personal income, etc.)

But I don’t currently hold that job anymore, and one of the requirements is that you’re still working.
To get the visa, Thailand asks for a letter from the company you work for to write that you are still working there + why they want to send you to work from Thailand.

What If I were to just write such document: what’s the chance to get it? what’s the risk?
I know that after 5 years they want to see another proof, but maybe I could get the visa for 5 years first?

(Alternatively: if someone holds a BOI company and would consider extending me an offer / sponsored work permit, feel free to DM me)


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