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Monday, May 6, 2024

Karun is the best Thai tea I’ve ever had and needs more publicity

I’ve been in Bangkok for about two weeks now, and I’ve been drinking Thai tea on average every other day. I came across Karun and it blows everything else I had out of the water. It’s a more premium Thai tea, a large cup costs 95 baht, but worth it imo. For the record, I ordered the 16 oz Thai tea at 70% sweet. I also ordered the bottled version of 40% sweet Thai tea (will be my go to level of sweetness going forward), and the vanilla cacao Thai tea (don’t taste much vanilla). I should note that while drinking their teas I do get a sense of tasting some chocolate, I’m not sure if they actually add chocolate to their teas or the teas just have chocolatey notes, but it’s interesting.

Obviously I’m not an expert on Thai tea, but it is similar to Hong Kong milk tea which I’m a huge fan of. Karun’s Thai tea has elements which reminds me of HK milk tea, including the smoothness and fragrance of the drink. Other Thai teas I’ve had (chatramue and just about another other restaurant that serves it) feels like the standard Thai tea mix with a lot of sugar added, which reminds me of cheap bubble teas.

So with that all being said, I encourage you to try Karun if you come across it. I’ve only had it at Siam Paragon in the food basement. I’m mostly writing this because there is zero mention of this shop when I searched Reddit.

And lastly, if you believe there is another great Thai tea I need to try, please drop its name below, I would love to try more.

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