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Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Itinerary Sharing Platform

Hi, Alex here. I recently launched a crowdsourced travel itineraries platform with three colleagues/friends of mine. It’s called Itinsy.

We’ve been live for a few months but already have close to 700 itineraries that folks have posted. The idea came to me about two years ago on a trip to Italy with my wife where I had not done any research ahead of the trip (she had done all of it and was upset with me), but redeemed myself a bit when I got a few itineraries from colleagues who had taken similar trips before.

So I thought it would be extremely useful for the world to have a free platform where all itineraries could be shared. That’s how it was born. On the platform, you’re able to search and filter for itineraries based on destination, month, length of stay, cost and trip type for the perfect trip. By trip type, I mean using tags like #nationalparks or #hiking.

Some other features include:

* ability to build a travel profile of all locations you’ve been to and a visual map with pins that you could share with friends/family.
* save, react to, and give kudos to other itineraries
* social feed to connect with like-minded travelers, ask questions, form groups and get advice – message and follow users too.
* fun community experience with points, coins, badges, rewards, reputation scores

Firstly, I wanted to share here because hopefully it’s of interest to folks planning their trips to Krabi.

Here are some Krabi specific itineraries that folks have shared on the platform.


Secondly, very open to feedback and ways we can improve / other features you would like to see. Feel free to email me directly ([[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])) or share your feedback below.

Hope everyone is staying safe! Thanks!

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