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Sunday, May 12, 2024

Is Leo Prinsloo the bravest person you know?

There’s something about those white South African guys that seems to make them much thicker-skinned than the rest of us. Perhaps it’s the fact that they live in a much more violent country than most, with South Africa’s crime rate being one of the highest in the world. Or maybe it’s because so many of them seem to work as mercenaries across the continent, taking on dangerous and high-stakes jobs that would make most people quiver in their shiny Timberlands!

It’s known that much of the white dominated armed forces of South Africa were left with little to do after the collapse of Apartheid, which resulted in a huge increase in private military recuruitment. Given the volume of wars occurring across Africa in the 90’s, there was a real need for such highly trained military personel, with companies like Executive Outcomes forming to supply the man power.

Whatever the…

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