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Sunday, May 12, 2024

How to acuqire proof of previous driving experience?

How can I get a copy of my old drivers license

Hi, soon I will be moving to australia and I would like to get a drivers license there. I am 20 and have had a thai license since I was 18.

In australia they have diffrent levels of licenses, L, P1, P1, etc. If I cannot obtain any way of showing that I have had a drivers license for 2 year I would have to be put on P1, which I would rather not be.

Is there anywhere at the DLT where I can get a certificate or a copy of my old drivers license or proof I have driven for 2 years prior.

Another idea is because I am on my first 5 year license I would have had to have had a 2 year license prior to this. Is there anyway I could maybe prove that over in Australia?

Thanks 🙏🙏

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