33.2 C
Thursday, May 9, 2024

How do we weather the storm? – The Oxford Student

Image description: A dam holding back a body of water

In the past month alone, flash floods and torrential rain swept through Spain, Mexico, Colombia, Guinea, Pakistan, Nigeria, Thailand, and Slovenia. Two hurricanes hit the United States this summer and left devastation in their wake. Flooding events turned deadly in China and Germany late this summer. In February of this year in the United States, Texas, a traditionally warm region, experienced a historic winter storm and arctic outbreak. These temperatures, which may have been considered insignificant to those who are accustomed, were devastating for Texans. With an energy grid carefully safeguarded against high heat conditions, Texas was unequipped to handle this extreme in the other direction.

Our global climate crisis has brought with it plenty of small-scale regional calamities. As we navigate these issues and attempt to make…

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