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Wednesday, May 15, 2024

How difficult is to get involved with volunteer work as a foreigner? For context, I am a university educated engineer from America.

I am about to graduate with my bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering from an American university. Looking to get involved with some volunteering or humanitarian work abroad. My university’s chapter of Engineers Without Boarders did have Thailand projects available in the past but those have since closed out. How difficult would it be to come to Thailand for the purpose of volunteering as a foreigner? How would this work? Would rooming be provided? I don’t even know where to start or what the process is like. Looking to get involved in these types of efforts in Thailand before I start medical school or a chemical engineering PhD in Fall of 2024.


How feasible do you think this is? I know chemical engineering is a unique engineering degree, but my course work has certainly qualified me to work in areas of water purification, sanitation and waste management, food and agriculture, environmental conservation, and many other areas. Is there any organizations I should begin by reaching out to? Looking for best advice on how to proceed.

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