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Friday, May 10, 2024

HIV antiretroviral meds

I’ve had HIV for 10 years or so. My condition is well managed and there is no cause for concern.

I have enough medication for another few weeks but I would like to extend my stay in Thailand, so I would need to get some more medication.

I’ve cleared this with my specialist in Australia – she said that my current meds will be preclusively expensive here (they’re free in Australia), but basically the antiretrovirals commonly available here will be satisfactory. Once I figure out exactly what is available here I will confirm with her.

So my question is how I might go about accessing them. I know a lot of medicines which are restricted in other countries are available over the counter here, but I suspect that antiretrovirals may only be dispensed by a hospital?

Should I bother asking at a few different pharmacies or is that a non-starter ?

Are there specialist clinics for HIV?

If I go to a hospital, are there some which will be better than others?

I guess I’d just like to skip the whole “I have HIV” circus if possible. I don’t need to have bloods and other pathology done given that my virologist in Australia has everything in hand.

Really appreciate any thoughts or insights.

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