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Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Help with swear words

Sawadee khap my thai friends,

So im a farang and lived and worked 6 months in Bangkok as a intern. I lived in Klong toei area and was having very close connection to the locals.

So we also joking around alot in Person with aswell swearing at each other and making fun whenever like the quiet girl in the friend group starting to swear at people being mean to her in the harshesd way.

So my Problem now is I can speak those Word but I dont know how to white them in like Englisch style and thai writing is just a beautiful picture to me 5555.

So even its swear words I dont need them for vicious purpose but like for insultung close friends 555.

So the first Word is like quan tien or something Sound like that often used when jokingly starting to fight or if needed to insult a mean Taxi driver. If I remember correctly it translates something like should I kick you in the face.

Then there was something like huai, like fuck you or dick or something like that.

And my favorite one often used by the most quiet girl when a random was creep. She said something like bak ham leh I think it meant something like small Black dick or smth.

Please ket me know which words im searching for, if I was correct with the meaning and how to write.

I can also be very Kind 555 jup jup 😂

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