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Saturday, May 4, 2024

Advice for Storage Locker or Coworking Space near Hua Mak/Phra Khanong Area

Hello everyone! I’m a grad student as Assumption Uni, located in Hua Mak. I live near BTS bang cha about 9km away, and commute to school on a ridiculous all-terrain electric skateboard. This is a great deal of fun, but also means I don’t want to be lugging lots of stuff to campus every day. There are no storage lockers on campus, so it would be nice to have some kind of storage or work space nearby to kind of serve as an intermediary “home base”. For example, I also work freelance as a writer, and have a work set-up with an ergonomic keyboard and laptop stand and so on.

Before I was a student, I would work at naplab near chula, and they had storage lockers that you could rent for a reasonable fee. Additionally, showers (which naplab also had) are a huge plus, since I’m always so sweaty in this city, and it’s great to have another spot to shower and change.

Of course, the fact that I’m mainly interested in showers and storage space makes me wonder if maybe I should just rent a gym membership that offers lockers. On the other hand, a coworking environment would be nice. On the….third hand, given that both coworking and gym memberships can be so expensive in this city, maybe it would make more sense to just rent a super cheap airbnb or crappy apartment next to campus.

Sorry that’s so vague, but as you can see i’m very open to any suggestions.

To conclude, I’m looking for suggestions about a space anywhere between bts bang chak and assumption uni campus in hua mak that would allow me to store stuff, possibly shower, possibly use as a coworking space.

Thanks so much everybody!

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