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Thursday, May 16, 2024

Going to Chiang Mai for Work – Need Local Insights

Hey everyone, I’m moving to Chiang Mai for work this August and there are a couple of matters on which I’m hoping to get some insights.

1. Air Pollution: I’ve visited Chiang Mai during the rainy season and found it to be incredibly pleasant. However, I’ve heard that air quality can be a significant problem from December to April. For those of you who live there, or have spent an extended period there during these months, what’s it really like? Besides wearing a high-quality mask, what other protective measures would you suggest?
2. Safety Concerns: Recently, I saw on my local news that there have been instances of people being drugged and then abducted to Cambodia. Is there any truth to this? If so, what are the common patterns or signs to look out for?

Any advice you guys can provide would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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