30.5 C
Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Getting weirdly high electric bills

I moved into a new house last month. I’m paying 5 baht per Kilowatt hour of electricity. I live relatively simply: I never use air conditioning, don’t really do anything other than use the lights, fridge, fans, phone charger and my kettle and electric stove a couple times a day. My first bill was 1.4k baht, and my next door neighbor who lives a similar lifestyle to me had a bill of 400 baht (the kind of numbers I’m a lot more used to). I took a photo of my meter on the 20th of September, and I’m at 270 kilowatt hours already since then – around 1.3k baht in 20 days. If anything, I’ve been using even fewer electrical appliances than last month! I keep politely asking my landlord about it, asking if an electrician can be called, but they’re dragging their feet and I’m really confused about what could be pulling so much electricity.

I’d appreciate any thoughts on what the issue could be (could I be getting numbers like that from lighting a small house/using an electric stove??), and how I can approach it with my landlord to get a good result. Thanks 🙏

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