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Get to know the 6 Most Popular Crypto CoinsThumbsup

Many new investors are interested in cryptocurrencies. Regardless of the current news, the price rises above 100% within a few days. Or the trend that celebrities say that cryptocurrencies are assets of the future world

The first thing to understand first is Cryptocurrency Is a digital crypto currency Or simply explain Is an exchange system without intermediaries No one determines the value Which currently has more than 7,000 currencies

As with any other form of investment ‘Investors should study information before making an investment’ Today, Thumbsup would like to introduce you to 6 popular digital currencies in 2021.

Bitcoin or BTC

Not worth mentioning, because Bitcoin is almost what most people call a digital currency.As of writing (Feb 2, ’16), Bitcoin is worth $ 35,000, or about 1 million baht per coin.

Bitcoin was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008, where no one can identify him today.All Bitcoin is limited to $ 21 million.

Currently, a merchant may not be able to support payment widely. Due to legal restrictions and fluctuating prices But many investors believe that in the condition of gold price fluctuation Depressed economy, Bitcoin is a great alternative to stash money.

Ethereum or ETH

At present (February 2, ’16) Ethereum is valued at $ 1,400, or about 42,000 baht per coin, the second highest market cap in the world after Bitcoin.Ethereum was developed in 2013 as a coin that brings the flaws of Bitcoin to develop. As an intermediary for a wider range of transactions

The popularity of Ethereum has led to the formation of leading companies under the name Enterprise Ethereum Alliance or EEA to research and develop Ethereum to be applicable to each company’s transactions.

Ripple or XRP

Ripple, created in 2014, is a very popular and interesting coin now, as Ripple uses a technology that cannot be mined like any other coin. But there will be companies that can control the money in the system. This makes it more stable than other currencies. Ripple has many partners. Because it is the future of the bank The speed of international transfers and the lower fees of other coins. Thus, in the future, it could be an intermediary currency for transactions between financial institutions.

Currently (February 2, ’16), it is worth $ 0.4, or about 12 baht per coin, the third highest market value in the world.

Polkadot or DOT

Polkadot was created to compete with Ethereum and solves the scaling and integration issues that Ethereum is facing. They are also transactional faster and lower in fees.

This makes Polkadot popular with developers and investors, making it the fourth largest cryptocurrency in the world.

Bitcoin Cash or BCH

Bitcoin Cash was created in 2017 as a separate development currency from Bitcoin as it was intended to be a more complete digital currency. There is a lower transfer fee. And transfer faster

Its development was not long before it was successful and it received a large number of investors. Bitcoin Cash is currently valued at $ 414 or about 12,433 baht per coin.

Dogecoin or DOGE

Dogecoin was invented in the opposite of Bitcoin, with an infinite number of coins. And does not reduce the number of production And in the year of its invention, five billion dollars were immediately released. But what is interesting is that Dogecoin has gained immense popularity at present (February 2, ’64), valued at $ 0.033, or about $ 1 per coin, becoming the 12th in the world due to its popularity, bringing its value to 800%. In just 2 days despite the unlimited number of cryptocurrencies

The origin



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