31.2 C
Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Fortune teller sukhumvit 11?

I’ve been going around sukhumvit 11 and this random indian guy been approaching me every day, telling me i will be successfull and stuff, every day i told him i don’t have time since i’ve been going to training but today i stopped by and listened what he has to say, immediatelly told him i don’t have any money on me.

He asked me what i want to accomplish, etc.. and i told him, he started writing something on paper, didn’t know what. Then he gave me the rolled paper and told me i will open it later i said okay.
He asked me to tell any rainbow color except red, so i said, most of the people will say blue so i say green.
Then he asked me to say any single digit number except 9, i said 8.
Then he asked me how old am i, i said 25 and he then told me to open the paper he gave me before.
There it was, green, 8, 25.
How the f did he do it?
He told me he is something like prophet of god.

His eyes very very weird, he had no pupil at all, just plain brown iris.

He told me many people donate him, and he gave me 3 options, 1000,2000,3000.
I said i had nothing on me because… i had nothing on me?
But i will be around next few days.
He told me he will tell me my mothers name, and if i will believe him after that.

I said if you guess my mothers name i give you 3k, but if you wont you get nothing.
Because i know he wont guess it.

Does somebody here have any serious explanation for me? How do guys like this operate, how could he guess all of the 3 things?
Maybe it’s just the statistics, but i don’t look like i’m 25.

Thank you for your time guys

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