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Thursday, May 2, 2024

Dutchman fined 14,000 baht by AI for scratching head whilst driving

Photo courtesy of Sanook

A routine act of scratching his head while driving led to an unexpected fine for a Dutchman after an AI-powered traffic camera misinterpreted the gesture for using a mobile phone.

Tim Hansen received a fine of 380 euros (14,000 baht) last November, sparking a debate on the efficacy of AI in law enforcement.

Hansen was stunned to receive a traffic fine claiming he had used his phone while driving. He was certain he had simply raised his hand to scratch his head, not to hold a phone. The AI-driven camera system that led to the fine was designed to catch drivers in the act of using their mobile phones, a serious traffic offence. But in the Dutchman’s case, it seemed to have made an error.

Upon receiving the fine, Hansen was initially perplexed, as he had no recollection of using his phone at the wheel. Determined to clarify the situation, he sought out…

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