36.3 C
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Discussion about mosquito repellent in Thailand?

I am looking for an alternative to Thermacell E90 (https://www.amazon.com/Thermacell-Rechargeable-Protection-DEET-Free-Alternative/dp/B09LXCSSVR) here in Thailand, because refills for Thermacell are ridiculously expensive.

I am looking for:

– Rechargable device or USB-powered so I can connect to a powerbank
– The machine should use clinically proven insecticide / repellent such as metofluthrin instead of citronellal or lavender solution. I don’t find those effective.

Let me know if you have a suggestion. I am also interested to hear what you all use for mosquito repellent while in Thailand. Is the coil thing useful?

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