31.3 C
Saturday, May 4, 2024

Business idea (tourism sector) suitable for tropical countries

Hi😊 There are lots of people from all over the world who are passionate about fruit(not only an increasing number of fruitarians and (raw) vegan people) who would love to take part to organized travels in tropical countries where they can eat almost only fruits and doing activities like excursions in local market/fruit farms/wild jungles to choose the best local tropical fruits or to forage rare wild fruits. I am seriously thinking you could invest in these types of travel experiences. There already are foreigners coming from abroad who organizes it for other foreigners. What do you think??

Edit: Since I realized it’s not so clear from how I wrote the post, I add that it’s not me who wants to start this type of business, but it was simply an idea for you! 🙃👌

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