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Friday, May 3, 2024

Business: Harmonising force in a polarised Asia

A growing sense of distrust, and with it polarisation, has been sweeping across our region, and the world.

It feeds on itself. It is driven by a combination of increased distrust in government and media, a lack of shared identity, sense of systemic unfairness, economic pessimism, and societal fears all contributing towards a more polarised society.

And once divided, a polarised community makes fostering trust all the more difficult.

These are the headline findings of the 2023 Edelman Trust Barometer for the Asia Pacific region, published today by Edelman, a global communications advisory firm, which has been studying the issue of societal trust for over two decades.

Understanding the social and political forces fuelling these divisions is all the more critical given the backdrop against which they are playing out – looming inflation, a lingering war in Ukraine, and rising Sino-US…

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