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Friday, May 3, 2024

Best option to send a Degree Title to Thailand? Do I need to register somewhere?

Hello. I need to send my Degree Title and the Transcription from Spain to Thailand. I was thinking about use DHL. Is all okay, but I see this prompt before simulate the Shipment in DHL website:



* Private Individuals must register with the Thai Customs Department and nominate DHL Express (Thailand) Ltd as customs clearance broker. This may take up to 3-4 days.
**For Thais**
Require original passport/ID
**For non-Thai nationals**
Require passport, work permit and the latest entry stamp or visa

* Import of cosmetics, medicines, supplements, personal medical equipment & food by private individuals for personal use must get Food & Drug Association (FDA) of Thailand exemption approval – duration minimum 7 days. An affidavit letter explaining the items are not for commercial use is required. 
* Due to pandemic, exemption approval process may take between 10 – 15 days.

[Read more information regarding the import requirements](https://bit.ly/3hhkALn)

Okay, I think the warning is a little confusing. One can understand that you must register in Thai Custom Department for WHICHEVER thing you want to import to Thailand. After that, I was reading the link and I see info about cosmetics, medicines, blablabla, a lot of articles.

So, I was confusing, I didn’t know if the prompt is just for some articles or you must do for whichever thing you want to import.

In my case I want to import 2 documents: Degree and Transcription. I was reading a similar post here in Reddit and I think is not neccesary, I can create the Shipment and I can get it without any registration, just going to the service point DHL in Bangkok and pick it up. But I want to create this post to be sure and confirm that I can do it, because that message that appears is so confusing.

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