35.6 C
Monday, April 29, 2024

Best method of rental?

You all seem so kind and helpful!
Coming to Thailand on December 6th with a friend, staying in Bangkok for at least a month and floating around the other nice places for another 2.
We’re considering a month long rental in the city near or on sukhumvit.
What’s the best way to go about the situation in a cost efficient & convenient way? Airbnb, Facebook marketplace, Craigslist?
Landing December 8th &@ 2am Bangkok time.
Few considerations
1. Land, bts to the city, get a hotel? Stay for the night and next day go apt hunting in person
2. Book something on airbnb or fb marketplace beforehand (today)

So. Are there any better outlets than Airbnb & Facebook?
& is it going to be easy/cheap to get a hotel room at 2/3am in the city area of Bangkok.

Thank you! Looking forward to visiting!

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