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Thursday, May 9, 2024

Bangkok Post – New treatments may help with morning sickness

DEAR DOCTORS: My husband and I are ready to expand our family, but I had such bad morning sickness for my whole pregnancy last time that I’m scared. Can you please talk about recent news about what causes morning sickness and if this may lead to a treatment that actually helps?

DEAR READER: Morning sickness is a general term that refers to the unpleasant, and sometimes debilitating, sensations of nausea that can occur during pregnancy. Research suggests that between 70% and 80% of women experience some degree of morning sickness while they are pregnant. The intensity ranges from mild queasiness, akin to feeling carsick, to powerful nausea that leads to vomiting. Despite its name, morning sickness can occur at any time of the day or night. The duration of this type of nausea varies greatly, as well.

Although associated with the first trimester of pregnancy, morning…

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