37.8 C
Friday, May 3, 2024

Bangkok cops will now fine people in cars without masks

Being fined for not wearing a mask outside, we get that. But what about riding around in a closed vehicle?

People today were amused, amazed and frequently perplexed to learn that City Hall has in fact made taking off your mask inside a car illegal if anyone else is in the vehicle – no matter who it is.

“This measure is intended to prevent transmission from one person to another,” Bangkok Gov. Aswin Kwanmuang said. “Therefore, when you have another person inside the same vehicle, you must wear a face mask. Even if the other person is a family member, that’s no exception.”

Driving alone sans mask is just fine because they seem to at least understand your chances of infecting yourself are very low.

On Monday, the police confirmed they will enforce the measure, and a photo of one such newly minted THB500 (US$16) ticket was spreading around social media.

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