36.3 C
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Areas to rent near Chulalongkorn or connected to MRT SamYan?

I’m an international student and I got accepted in a Master’s program in Chulalongkorn. I’ll be studying under the Faculty of Political Science, and I saw that it is near MRT Sam Yan so I’m also open to locations along the blue (?) line?

Would appreciate all the help and advice I can get from this community especially since I’m not from the area!

EDIT: Adding some personal details as requested

* I’m (26F) from the Philippines
* Knowledge of Thai is 0 as of now, but plan on learning basics before flying on August
* Budget: around 6000-12000 thb? Less is better ofcourse but just making myself open as I’m unsure of the costs (i’ve seen online for around 6-9k)
* Pls do let me know if this budget is too little! and what is the recommended budget!
* Social life: I like going shopping and eating out. But I don’t need to do it everyday. Will ofcourse go out more when friends and family fly over to Thailand so will be touring them around when they do!

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