34.3 C
Wednesday, May 15, 2024


Story time!

Today, a dude followed me on IG and narrated his ordeal to me about his experience with a girl (thai).
Him: Hey bro, how’re you? I need a favor from you
Me: I’m all ears
Him: We have something in common
Me: *Bewildered and wondering what it may be* What’s that?
Him: There’s this girl that follows you, I want to know what’s between both of you (sends me IG handle)

I searched and seen it’s a girl I used to chat with a while ago.

Me: So what about her

Then he begins to narrate his story about how he met her and how he’d spent and sent 1.9 million baht (50,000 Swiss francs) to her.

So apparently, he met her online and they developed a relationship and he flew to Thailand to visit her and also took her on a vacation to the Philippines. After his return to Switzerland, she started making a lot of financial demands from him , reasons ranging from payment of debts and payment of bills. He sent me screenshots of the transaction history (money sent on numerous occasions to Thailand. He’s gotten himself knee deep into debt with family, bank, friends and may be facing litigation soon. Recently, she ghosted him and stopped replying his messages and picking up his phone calls. From an experience stance, I told him it’ll be near impossible to retrieve any money from her (not even 1 baht). He’s depressed and suicidal but I’ve been pepping him up.

What do you think he can do and how can he retrieve the money from the girl?

From comments I’ve seen on Reddit alluding that “money borrowed to a thai can never be recovered”, I referenced that to him so he could accept his fate and learn from this mistake. He promised never to fall in love again anyway lol

So dear fellows, what should he do?

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