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Monday, May 6, 2024

Entry-Level Software Engineering Roles in BOI (Board of Investment) Companies in Thailand

Hello, fellow Redditors!

I’ve been searching for entry-level software engineering roles within BOI (Board of Investment) companies in Thailand. However, I’m facing some challenges as the BOI website doesn’t appear to be up to date, making it difficult to find relevant information.

I’m reaching out to this amazing community to seek your assistance. If any of you have insights, recommendations, or personal experiences related to BOI companies hiring entry-level software engineers, I would greatly appreciate your input.

To help guide the discussion, here are a few questions:

1. Are there any BOI companies known for offering entry-level software engineering positions? If so, which ones?
2. Are there any online platforms or job boards specific to BOI software engineering roles that I might have missed?
3. How can I stay updated with the latest information regarding entry-level software engineering opportunities in BOI companies?

Your valuable insights and suggestions would not only assist me but also benefit others who are navigating similar paths. Thank you in advance for your contributions!

PS: I am an Indian National, about to graduate from a software engineering program from a thai university.

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