30.9 C
Friday, May 3, 2024

The discourse about John Fetterman’s debate performance proves why disability inclusion and visibility matters

Happy Friday.

A lot of you agreed with me that Kanye “Ye” West’s slow descent into bigotry and problematic speech was a long-missed opportunity to curb the harm that kind of power can perpetuate. “You so perfectly stated the issues around supporting Kanye West all these years and the deep issues surrounding his behavior. Although his antisemitic rants were the straw that broke the camel’s back, as a society we are all responsible for letting it get to this point,” wrote one reader. And plenty thought that major brands should have weighed in much, much earlier. His anti-Blackness wasn’t bad for business, so they let that slide, was the general theme.

But issues around disability were once again front and center in the raceAhead ecosystem after a televised debate, between Pennsylvania U.S. Senate hopefuls John Fetterman—the state’s lieutenant governor—and…

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