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Sunday, May 5, 2024

‘8 HR Mega Trends’ recommends organizations to add powerful skills Stick to the speed of human development

Who would believe that, in fact, it is not just a great leader who can lead an organization to change, but also requires HR to act as a The backbone and mind of the organization to heal like a glue to unite the organization to be one pushing the organization to continue without interruption

Driving “people” to create results “Work Hard – Work Fast – Work Smart” in line with the new definition of the world or Now Normal that causes new behaviors. unexpected and inevitable Based on the study and analysis of data from leading organizations around the world.

By Mrs. Aranya Thalerngsri, Managing Director of SEAC, Center for Development and Promotion of Lifelong Learning in ASEAN has summarized the core principles of HR skills development within HR Community by SEAC that will create a change in business flow and employee work throughout the organization, including:

Many companies have begun to focus on changing HR operations to manage their workforce. In the midst of this uncertainty, organizations need to ‘accelerate-accelerate’ with the flow of change, such as the case of Work from Home that has occurred and change the pattern of work. working in the organization for a long time

In the future, HR will use the direction or policy. How to deal with employees to have High Productivity and the organization to always be a Happy Workplace?
We talk a lot about Transformation or corporate transformation. to remain concentrated and add more dimensions But most organizations are still stuck with the question of where to start. And what is the true transformation?

The last thing is how to make the organization Growth or how to grow because the competition is becoming more and more intense continuously. This is counter to the development of innovation that tends to decrease from the original that a lot of innovations occurred during the first period of Covid-19.

8 HR Mega Trend 2022 for Organizational Transformation

Trend 1: Hiring New Talent Internally

Employment in 2022 will focus on filling or hiring insiders. rather than employing outsiders by creating a mechanism in 2 dimensions:

1. Internal Talent Marketplace Creation, Skill Reskill Upgrading among Employees and Talent Continuously

2. Executive side Must look at the creation of Internal Recruitment, where HR is ready to design new career growth Career Path so that Talent can grow in many directions. (Multidirectional) more and focus on people who are skilled from all-round skills.

Trend 2: Building New Management Models for a Multigenerational Workforce

The organization must be ready to create an organizational culture. A comprehensive organization culture that supports the work of at least four generations – GEN Z, GEN Y, GEN X and Baby Boomer – to work together creatively and happily.

Trend 3: Enabling Hybrid Workplaces

Of course, Workplace will switch to Hybrid Workplace, a mix of Virtual, working from anywhere, some days. And coming to work at a Face-to-Face company on some days, therefore, the task of HR is to find balance points in a variety of new dimensions. both in terms of working style and taking care of people in the organization, such as On-Boarding, internal communication Employee Engagement, Results-Oriented Employee Performance Evaluation as well as enhancing executives’ skills in managing teams through Virtual Communication.

Trend 4: Rethinking Work For Gen Z

Gen Z is entering the job market. And it works at a completely different extreme from Gen Y, so using the same concept to manage Gen Y is no longer the answer. We need to think differently and come up with new angles to work with Gen Z people, focusing on mentoring in order to motivate these young people to want to work with us. and create high productivity which will lead the organization to change and grow sustainably

Trend 5: Benefiting from a Growing Gig Economy

Permanent employment began to decline. Because organizations began to pay attention to hiring people for jobs or hiring on a per contract basis, which many organizations have begun to use this strategy more. and from the epidemic situation that occurred This makes Thailand have a gig workforce in the number of hundred thousand grandchildren ever. which can be seen that Agile, resilient organizations will use more Gig Workers.

Especially in 2022, HR will need to prepare for collaboration between full-time employees and gigs through appropriate policy on employee care or talent both inside and outside the company. Including the development of executive skills to effectively communicate with Gig workforce.

Trend 6: Increasing Need for Power Skills: Soft Skills, Digital Skills, Thinking Skills

The very important thing is that next year the organization must accelerate more. “Power Skills” in 3 dimensions are emotional skills, digital skills, and cognitive skills. Because they are trapped in Soft Skills such as Mindset and Communication, which many organizations still see superficially as not important.

but actually These skills become indicators of organizational success. In addition, people in the organization must have Digital Savvy understand the use of digital technology. And must be developed in terms of ideas that will help the growth of the organization as well.

Trend 7: Planning for Perpetual Reskilling/Upskilling at Speed

HR must stick to the speed of learning new things. to employees in the organization Accelerate the enhancement of employees’ potential through skill reset and appropriate skill upgrading. Prioritize skills that affect organizational change. This must be done in parallel with the organization’s operational plans. and bring new technology to help accelerate the arming of skills for people in the organization and enhance the competitiveness of the organization

Trend 8: Increasing Focus on Building Learning Ecosystems

Employee involvement is very important. and is something that cannot be ignored Creating a new work ecosystem is therefore essential in creating a friendly work environment where employees do not feel too pressured to work.


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