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Sunday, May 12, 2024

1 month stay with American wife and 3 daughters

I’ve solo traveled a good amount in my 20s. I’ve always found the world to be much safer and welcoming than the internet and news sites paint it out to be. I’ve traveled mostly in Europe. I’ve been to Thailand, but it was 10+ years ago and while I never felt unsafe… I’m just not sure how it would be for my wife and kids for a month.

I would be working remotely for a month. Most likely this November. We would rent a villa or condo or something (budget 3k USD), and I would work nights and be with them sometimes during the day, but sometimes I will be busy or need sleep and they might be alone. Girls ages are 5, 8, 12

How safe will they be from pickpockets?
How safe will they be from police scammers?
How safe will they be from something crazy like kidnapping?

I’m so sorry if this is offensive or misplaced. I just want my fam bam to be safe and happy!

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