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Sunday, May 5, 2024

You have to be just a little insane to watch YouTube in Thailand without Premier

I get anxious and uncomfortable from advertising / overt marketing of ANYTHING from ANYWHERE in the world, and will change a radio / TV station milliseconds after an ad starts, but the ads that play during Youtube videos in Thailand are just completely bonkers, extremely loud, and cause me so much anxiety. 🤣

How do you maintain sanity without giving into subscribing to YT Premium? It seems worse the better your Thai is… 🤣😖

The ads in the US are sickeningly conspicuous and repugnant, but here they just cause me anxiety. Have you seen ads in other countries that are even more irritating? Do you have YT Premium because of it?

Quick Tip: DO NOT subscribe to YT Premium from the app on your phone; the price is approximately 10x as expensive due to Apple’s and Google’s app store mark up. Login to YT from a web browser and get an annual subscription that way. It’s much cheaper here than the west, and you’ll age much slower, I promise. 😜

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