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Friday, May 3, 2024

Why is the Krungthai Bank so Incompetent in terms of IT?

Hello this will be my first post so please forgive me if there are any mistakes in the syntax „. Speaking of syntax – what should be routine for devs of krungthai is actually a nightmare for its users. I have no idea what they do but they do it drastically wrong.
Yesterday an update has been pushed and the onlinebanking and payment processors had a downtime of 4!!! hours. This might sound like nothing but it happens every month.
I am a western devop and here we are used to have updated rolled out and deployed within a maximum timeframe of 5 Minutes. How can a bank let it go? I mean they lose so much money by this 4 hour downtime and customers too. Today she wanted to redeem a coupon from the government and the girl locked her account up somehow. 2 questions shoot in my mind. How can this happen and WHY do you need to go to the bank in person to unlock it instead of just implement an app feature that asks for a quick kyc and then unlocks it again?
Am I the only one who have this issue or do the Thai people who use krungthai take it as granted that sometimes they can’t access their money?

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