30.9 C
Sunday, May 5, 2024

Who wants to write an open letter to the PM regarding the new plans for weed legislation?

Hello everyone,

I’m a Thai national that feels quite strongly that the country is moving in the wrong direction in regards to what seems to be a populist hot take (and tbh vote grabbing) future regulation regarding cannabis.

So, I’ve decided to do what I believe is the right thing and the only thing I can do right now: write an open letter. I think I have a few points in mind already from the POV of a person who does not partake but is fine with and supports the rights of others who might want to use marijuana recreationally, but I would love if I get arguments from all points of view and I mean a few more voices would add to the little weight that this letter might (probably not) have.

If you’re interested feel free to message me personally or comment under this post and I’ll PM you. You might think it’s useless because the politicians don’t listen to us anyways but I disagree.

PS. I understand that people of other nationalities would feel strongly too but I would love to get the Thais of this subreddit involved; it’s our country, our laws, and our government.

**”I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it” or maybe in this case, “I’m not chill like you, but I will defend to the death your right to smoke the green stuff.”**

EDIT: I might consider writing to a news outlet in an opinions column instead of sending it directly to PM. As u/VulcanMind1 suggested, this might be a better option then just adding the work load to the government employee that has to throw my letter into the dustbin.

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